5W 5.0V DC 1.0A USB
USB A-Type Adapter 5W 5V DC 1A EU,USA 美歐插頭
It is normal from 100Vac to 240 Vac input AC voltage
a) Short Circuit protection
b) Over current protection ( OCP) 2A max.
c) Over voltage protection ( OVP ) 7.5 V max.
USB A-Type Adapter 5W 5V DC 1A EU,USA ADAPTER 電氣特性要求 1. Electrical: 1-1. Input Characteristics: 1-1-1.Rated Voltage It isnormalfrom 100 Vac to 240 Vac input ACvoltage 1-1-2.Input Voltage Range The Adapter shalloperatefrom 90 Vacto 264 Vac input AC voltage 1-1-3.RatedFrequency It isnormalfrom 50 Hzto 60 Hz and singlephase. 1-1-4.Frequency Range The Adapter shall operate with an input frequencyfrom 47 Hzto 63 Hz. 1-1-5.Steady AC Current Maximum steady state input current is lessthan 0.2 Arms. Measured at 100Vac Inputvoltage. 1-1-6.Inrush Current At Full Load ,25℃, Cold Start No Component Over Stress and No Fuse Blow No Damage To The Power Supply 1-1-7.Minimum Average Efficiency In Active 73.77% min. measuredatI/P: 115 Vac/60 Hz or 230 Vac/ 50 Hz & ActiveLoading:25%/50%/75%/100% Formula : [0.0834*LN( V*I )-(0.0011*(V*I))+0.609]% ( After full load burn in 30min Criteria : Level VI) 64.59% min. measuredatI/P: 115 Vac/60 Hz or 230 Vac/ 50 Hz &Loading:10% Formula : [0.0834*LN( V*I )-(0.00127*(V*I))+0.518]% ( After full load burn in 30min Criteria:Level VI ) 1-1-8.No load power ( Stand-by consumption) The no load power is less than 0.075 W at 115 Vacand 230 Vac (Criteria:Leve VI ) 1-2. OutputCharacteristics: 1-2-1.Rated Voltage The rated output voltage isspecifiedat 5.0Vdc. 1-2-2.Voltage Range The output voltage will be performed from 5.0 Vdc -5% / 5% . 1-2-3.Line Regulation The output voltage is specifiedatVout ±2%. 1-2-4.Load Regulation The output voltage is specifiedatVout -5% / 5%. 1-2-5.Current This Adapter can work from 0 A to 1.00 A( full load ) and output voltage is in section 2 specified range. 1-2-6.Rated Power This Adapter capabletosupport 5 Watts continuously at all specifiedconditions.